Criteria: To be considered for the scholarship applicant must
- Have an immediate family relative that lives in the home who has been diagnosed with breast cancer in the past year
- Be a U.S. Citizen
- Provide Documentation of breast cancer diagnosis with date in the past year & that the breast cancer relative lives in the home (bill with name or signature of medical professional confirming address)
- Be willing to share their scholarship story with BCCA in our Survivor Story Program
- Be a resident of Houston or the surrounding area (surrounding area includes a 50-mile radius)
- Documentation of acceptance to a university/college/trade school to further education in the Fall of 2016
- 2 letters of reference from non-family members such as teachers, pastor, neighbors, or employers.
- Be willing to participate in a photo shoot with relative scheduled at a later date.
Before you submit please review the checklist:
- Application is completely filled out and signed.
- Application is being submitted before/on April 21, 2016 via fax: 936-231-8462 email:
- Date of diagnosis documentation with professional signature attached to application.
- Documentation of acceptance to university/college/trade school is provided.
- Documentation of relative living in the household provided.
- Typed Scholarship story provided.
Notification of Awards Process
- All notifications will be sent out by May 6, 2016.
- If Awarded: Applicant will receive a personal phone call announcing the award.
- If Not Awarded: Applicant will receive an email.
Please note: Consideration and/or Submittal does not guarantee an award. The maximum amount of assistance is $1,000 per awarded senior. Application Deadline April 21, 2016.
To download the application, please CLICK HERE
Photo copyright Holly Davis Photography